Sunday, April 12, 2009

Stolen Generation Apologize Reflaction

   The apologies are important, because it tells people that get hurt that you care. Even if it is just a small things that happened to you personally, you will always feel better after someone say sorry to you. In this case apologies can build peace between the Aboriginals and the colonizer. It tells people that the colonizer are regret, and they actually don’t want to let the things happened.
     In the Australia history, colonizer went to Australia and also brought their own culture. They think the other culture are barbarian. They are the best culture ever. The colonizer reject every culture from the Aboriginals and they want them to only fallow their culture. They use a dirty way to force them fallow their culture which is stole the Aboriginals' children. This is a mistake, this is rude and mean. This is barbarian, only people that is not educate will steal people children and force people to be like them. 

     The Apologize can let the colonized (Aboriginals) feel better, and let them know you know the colonizer did a wrong thing. For the colonizers the apologize can remind them, they actually do something wrong, do something that is totally not fare for colonized (Aboriginals)and make them regret. 

1 comment:

  1. Amiel, your entry begins to explain what an apology can do to repair a situation, but it doesn't justify why it does so or is necessary. This is important to demonstrate both critical thinking and to raise the quality of your writing. To find the information you need, read all the sources we give you and do some research of your own too. You then need to use evidence from these sources in your writing - either by including direct quotes or by paraphrasing and citing the source. Also you have to check for mechanics and grammar as there are too many errors in this posting.
